SoHappy Learning

To empower everyone via happy learning

How to overcome boredom? 6 quick tips

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According to a study that interviewed over 7,500 London civil servants aged between 35 and 55 if they felt bored at work in the late 80s and followed the same people if they were still alive by April 2009, boredom can result in premature death.

It is possible that a person who feels bored in unmotivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising and quitting smoking / excessive drinking.

There are two types of boredom:
1. transient boredom, e.g. during a particular talk that is not of your interest.
2. permanent / existential boredom. The permanent boredom can be linked to dissastifaction with life, e.g. a boring major, a dull job.

Since we are now aware of the danger of boredom, how can one overcome boredom?
1. shift / change focus. People who feel bored can shift their focus from themselves / their perceived boring life to other people, e.g. doing voluntary work, lending a listening ear to friends, support particular causes.
2. find interests outside of their ‘perceived’ boring majors / dull jobs / courses.
3. live in the present. enjoy every ‘now’ moment.
4. have a grand dream / something to live for.
5. keep a gratitude journal / note that you can easily access when you feel bored.
6. cultivate curiosity.

Written by sohappylearning

December 19, 2012 at 10:57 pm

Posted in SoHappy

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